Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Worst Reason For Looking Good

“The only reason you still look so good is because you don’t have kids.” I was stunned the first time I heard a woman say this to me. I could not believe someone would say something so hurtful and ignorant to a complete stranger.

I was supposed to be relaxing at the nail salon, enjoying my day off with a well-deserved and long overdue pedicure. The place was busy and there was a lot of talking going on between a group of three women, all of whom I took to be around my age. They were laughing and gossiping and seemed to just be really enjoying their girl time. Made me long for my girlfriends as well, except that I didn’t really have any. I was always moving and never really had time to make friends. Thirty seven moves in thirty six years will do that to you.

As I sat there enjoying my salt soak and the kneading action of the massage chair on my back, one of the women turned to me and said, “You’re real fit. What’s your trick? What do you do?”

“Ugh, who me?” I asked incredulous. I was stunned by being invited to engage in some girl talk so her question threw me off my guard.

“Yes, you look really in shape. What’s your secret? No wheat? No sugar? No carb? You’re a vegan?”

“No,” I laughed. “I’m just a runner. Have been for 20 years.”

“That’s it. You run?” she questioned in disbelief. “You have a strict diet or something?”

“No. I pretty much eat anything I want, in moderation of course. Sure I try to avoid the bad things, the junk food, and I don’t drink soda – ever, but otherwise that’s it. I just eat when I’m hungry and keep lots of healthy snacks around. Oh and I eat lots of fruit and vegetables.”

She chortled. A real chortle. “That’s it? That easy huh? You have kids?”

“No, why? Does that matter?”

“Well of course it matters. I mean the only reason you still look so good is because you don’t have kids!”

I was stunned, shocked. I didn’t know what to say. I looked around the salon for help, for someone to say to me, “Oh don’t listen to her honey” or any one of those cliché phrases heard only in women’s salons. But there was no help. In fact, everyone who had heard the woman seemed to nod their head in agreement while they sized me up and down. The young man filing my toes just kept his head down and scrubbed harder.

“I don’t think that’s true”, I started in my defense. “I know plenty of women with kids that look fantastic.”

“Right. Hollywood women. Stay at home moms perhaps with nothing else to do all day but count calories and weigh food. But I’m talking real women. Women who work and raise kids. You wouldn’t look so good if you were one of those women.”

And that is when the gloves came off.

“So what you’re saying is that women look good before kids and look terrible after kids? I mean this is what you’re saying right?”

“I wouldn’t say I look like terrible now”, she retorted. I could tell she was getting upset and her friends too but honestly I didn’t care. I was beyond tired of having mean things said to me regarding my single, child-free status and this latest comment just pushed my anger over the edge. I was going to defend myself and my looks to the end, or at least to this woman and her goons.

“I wouldn’t say you look bad either. I just don’t agree with you. But you know what I will tell you my secret. It’s easy. Here you go……I work out. I work out a lot. I work out every single day. People don’t just “look good” they have to work at. It’s like going to a job. Models, actresses, athletes, spend a lot of time and money to look good. They work out. And I work out. I always have to push myself hard. To run farther, to run faster, to run better. It’s such hard work that it’s taken me 20 years of running to keep looking this good. Twenty years!” I was really fuming by now.

“And it has nothing to do with whether or not I’ve had a child," I raged on. "Plenty of mom’s look great. Why? Because they carefully monitor how much baby weight they gain during pregnancy and they work hard post-pregnancy to take the weight off. I even know women who were thinner post pregnancy. So you’re comments were not only mean to me, but a slap in the face to every mom out there who is fit and sexy and takes care of herself.”

“Fitness and health don’t just come naturally,” I preached on. “If you want to be in shape, if you want to be fit, then you’re going to have to work at it. Make it a job. Because it is the most important job you’ll ever have. Your life depends on it.”

And with that I pulled my feet out of my pool of tepid spa water, threw my money on the counter, grabbed my flip flops and walked out of there.

Was I mean? I don’t think so. I think I was candidly, east-coast style honest. And in my opinion my comments were long overdue to be heard. As a fit woman I’m tired of hearing and reading about other women’s complaints about their size, their figure, their thighs, and their weight. I’m tired of being fit and being blamed or ostracized or criticized for being fit. I don’t have super genes. I don’t have a weird diet. I don’t practice anything special. I just move, all day. I find ways to exercise throughout my day and it’s subconscious. It’s a nervous energy thing. And I eat when I’m hungry and not a second before. That’s it. No crazy diet scheme. I even drink whole milk.

All I want to see and hear is women taking responsibility for their own appearance, for their own health. Instead of blaming a fit person for being fit and instantly coming up with some far-fetched excuse as to why she is fit and you’re not, why not head outside for a walk or to the gym or eat an apple and get on track to being fit and being the envy of every woman that walks past you on the street.

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Adventures in Story Telling

Welcome to this blog. It has changed a bit and is not really a blog per se, but rather a collection of stories that I've begun to write. I've been telling these stories for years and many encouraging friends have finally convinced me to put these into writing. So here are my attempts to recount my ridiculously funny and adventurus LIFE. Suggestions are always welcome!!