Monday, December 15, 2008

Starbucks Encountered

     Apparently, my beauty is mesmerizing. Or at least that is what the man who handed me his email address scribbled on a piece of scrap paper said to me. I saw him staring at me at the Starbucks, where I sat typing new stories for my blog spot. Every time I sat back and looked up from my screen he was there staring at me. I offered a weak smile and looked away, appearing engrossed in my work. When I saw him leave I felt relieved and then I felt bad for having felt relieved. But my feeling would be short lived as I looked up and there he was standing next to my table, my mystery man in a blue Carhart type work jacked. He walked up to me and said, "I felt compelled to come back and take a chance. Do what you feel is right by you but your beauty is mesmerizing and I wanted to take my chance and give you my email."
     He said his name was Mike and I said I was Annie and that was that. He walked away. The older gentlemen sitting across from me gave me one of those knowing smiles and I just laughed. Mike's actions were flattering, humorous, bold and brazen - two qualities I admire. Too bad he was born under the wrong name, I thought as I tore up his email address. I mean, after all, I've never met a Mike that wasn't a dick. I should know. I've dated 12 of them. 

(p.s. - this does not mean that I don't have friends named Mike or that Mike's are not good people. It just means that I shouldn't date them. But maybe you should. Anyway, I mean no offense to Mike's around the world.)


  1. Perhaps you have yet to find the right Mike...perhaps you should be on a Mike-Quest!

    Life is good...

    Following (Vicariously) from Snowy Santa Fe

  2. This post made me laugh so hard! Damn you are funny, but 12... really...Only you Annie, only you girl.


Adventures in Story Telling

Welcome to this blog. It has changed a bit and is not really a blog per se, but rather a collection of stories that I've begun to write. I've been telling these stories for years and many encouraging friends have finally convinced me to put these into writing. So here are my attempts to recount my ridiculously funny and adventurus LIFE. Suggestions are always welcome!!